Subject: SHADOW: V1.0 BBS Door Game Author: Jerry Woody Uploaded By: GregK PONY Date: 4/17/1995 File: SHADOW1.ZIP (373638 bytes) Estimated Download Time (23524 baud): < 4 minutes Download Count: 738 Needs: An UnZIPing Program and BBS Software Keywords: Woody, BBS, Door, Shadow, Nodes, Virus, Scan, AI Type: Shareware Shadow Board Version 1.0 Real Time SysOp BBS Simulation Door Game. Players can select BBS, up to 8 "Shadow Nodes", Fake InterNet and Online Store connection, Virus Scan, Artificial Intelligent users log into the Shadow Board and "use" the board and More! Features Include: * Supports the following BBS drop file formats: - PCBoard.Sys , Users.Sys - 52 line Door.Sys - Callinfo.BBS - SFdoors.Dat - GTUser.Dat - TriBBS.Sys - Dorinfox.Def * Com ports 1-4 With Standard IRQ's, ports 5 - 15 w/ support for non standard IRQs * Speeds up to 115K baud * Internal OR Fossil Routines / Multi-Port boards using a fossil * Auto-Detect Ansi graphics * Auto-Detect Baud Rate with locked speeds. * Over 500 Artificial Intelligent Users * REAL TIME BBS Simulation. Player starts out with one node and can "buy" up to 8 nodes. * AI Users upload, download, live chat, etc. simulating as closely as possible a real BBS system. The Shadow Board Sysop can see all this happening from his/her system display screen. * Includes a 'fake' "InterNet" module where the player can dial out and do some "surfing". * Includes a 'fake ' Dial Out Online Store where the player can upgrade his/her system. * Shadow Board SysOp can Read Mail, Virus Scan, Work on BBS, etc. * Player can purchase AlterNets, Fidonet and Internet module for his/her "Shadow Board". * Random events such as power outages or lightning storm occur unless the Shadow SysOp has proper equipment/protection. * Shadow Board Sysop can make his/her 'Board' a subscribing or donation board. * Top SysOps listing To run, enter: SHADOW Documentation: SYSOP.DOC